The RLS-2100 is the most feature-rich satellite link emulation tester available—providing fast, repeatable results. Ideal for the following applications:
- Upgrade the broadband signal compatibility test bench
- Verify link performance through true hardware-in-the-loop testing
- Test modem performance verification under dynamic link conditions
- Verify new satellite network configuration
- Validate and refine next-generation satellite network concepts before deploying new satellite network configurations
The simulated signal path includes the RF characteristics of the transmitter, uplink, satellite/relay, downlink, and receiver, and can set realistic scenarios for path delay, Doppler, fading, and other characteristics.
Can be combined with a touch screen or keyboard/mouse user interface allowing real-life scenes to be mapped directly onto applicable elements in the signal path. All stations (transmitters, satellites/relays, receivers) can be in motion and dynamically update the affected simulation parameters.
RLS-2100 includes integrated real-time multi-satellite orbit calculations and displays for modeling LEO, MEO, HEO, GEO and hybrid satellite constellations. Navigation routes can be planned for mobile vehicles such as vehicles, ships, aircraft, drones, HAPs or rockets.
Dual independent integrated GNSS emulators can provide site location to user equipment. Graphical display of signal spectrum, signal power distribution, site location and characteristic parameters helps to verify the test setup and allows simple visualization of the effects of applied impairments.