A miniature active electro-optical wide-band sensor system for induced voltage measurements.

It was jointly developed with our Z43 partner organization Schmid & Partner Engineering AG (SPEAG) and allows medical implant immunity testing for compatibility with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) environments in a precise and easy manner.

RFoF1P4MED is compatible with MRI systems up to 7 T. With the ability to acquire the complex-valued voltage signals in the frequency range from 10 MHz – 1 GHz, RFoF1P4MED fulfils all probe requirements stated in ISO/IEC TS10974 Clause 15 for Tier 3 evaluations.
Remote Unit 遠端單元  SPEAG 1RU1TDS Standalone 或SPEAG 1RU1TDS PXI遠端單元,作為RFoF1P4MED探頭的光電源供應和探棒返回光路中的光電轉換器。
光電探頭 SPEAG RFoF1P4MED感測器高輸入阻抗差分光纖電壓探棒,工作頻率範圍為10 MHz  –  1 GHz。
光纖連結 探棒和TDS遠端單元之間的SPEAG RF4FEDFOI光纖線。
Calibration Unit 校準單元 SPEAG RFoF4MEDCU校準單元,基於寬頻巴倫變壓器,通過雙埠向量網路分析儀進行現場驗證和校準。
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