The Innovative simulator to output ECG and PPG analog signals simultaneously. Adjustable time difference parameters to generate various Pulse Wave Transit Time (PWTT) signals. Standard Coverage: IEC 60601-2-47, China YY0885. Applicable for R&D, compliance and production line testing


  • AECG100 main console unit includes ECG module with built-in test circuits with auto select switches per ECG standard required
  • PPG-1R-525 module offers optical waveforms simulating PPG heart rate signals
  • PPG-2R-880 and PPG-2R-940 module offer red and infrared optical waveforms for SpO2 testing
  • Adjustable PWTT parameters allows user to check and improve the algorithm of blood pressure applications
  • Developing R curves of device under test (DUT) for SpO2 monitors’ verification and validation testing
  • Test parameters in each test mode can be saved and integrated as a series of customized test sequences for improving the testing efficiency
  • Waveform player function reproduces and repeats recorded or programmed waveforms
  • AECG Assistant software pack simplifies test sequences of medical standards into adjustable parameters, selectable options, test procedures and pass criterion
  • Software Development Kit (SDK) assists user to develop customized or automated test software with less efforts



1. ECG Mode  
Parameter Specification
Main Output Voltage Resolution 2.5μV (DAC resolution)
Main Output Voltage Accuracy ±1% for amplitudes of 0.5mVpp or higher
Frequency / Pulse Repetition Rate Accuracy ±1%
Pulse Duration / Timing Accuracy ±1ms
Pacing Pulse Amplitude Range  -1000mV ~ +1000mV
Pacing Pulse Amplitude Accuracy ±2mV pulse: ±1%
  >2mV or <-2mV pulse: ±10%
Pacing Pulse Width Range 0.1ms ~ 2ms
Pacing Pulse Width Resolution 0.1ms
Pacing Pulse Width Accuracy ±5μs
Pacing Pulse Characteristics Rise/Fall Time 5μs
Pacing Pulse Characteristics Overshoot <1%
Pacing Pulse Characteristics Setting Time <1%
Sample Rate 50 ~ 40K (Normal mode/standalone);10K (Raw data mode)
Sample Rate Accuracy Depend on system clock accuracy
DC Offset Range 
(fixed, noise free, sourced from internal super capacitor)
-300mV, +300mV
DC Offset Accuracy
(fixed, noise free, sourced from internal super capacitor)
DC Offset Range 
(variable, may include up to 50μVpp noise)
-500mV ~ +500mV
DC Offset Accuracy 
(variable, may include up to 50μVpp noise)
RCA Output Amplitude Range ECG electrode output x1000, max 10V
RCA Output Amplitude Accuracy ±1% for amplitudes of 0.5Vpp or higher
2. PPG Mode  
Parameter Specification
BPM Range  10 ~ 300BPM 
BPM Resolution  1 BPM
BPM Accuracy  ±1 BPM 
LED AC Level Reference Output Range (RCA) 0.075V ~3V (Full range)
LED AC Level Reference Output Resolution (1 / 3000) full range
LED AC Level Reference Output Accuracy ±1%
Lumen Range 50 ~ 925 Lux (full range) (5mm from diffusion film)
Lumen Resolution (1 / 3000) full range
Lumen Accuracy ±6%
Light Wavelength Range 525nm
Light Wavelength Resolution ±10nm
S/N Ratio >51dB (with USB isolator)
PD Response Time (Rising) 1μs Typical (Varies from DUT LED intensity)
PD Response Time (Falling) 1μs Typical (Varies from DUT LED intensity)
3. PWTT Mode   
Parameter Specification
Time Difference (PTTp, PTTf) Range 0 ~ 999ms (decrease with increased BPM)
Time Difference (PTTp, PTTf) Resolution 1ms
Time Difference (PTTp, PTTf) Accuracy ±1ms
4. SpO2   
Parameter Specification
BPM Range  10 ~ 300 BPM 
BPM Resolution 1 BPM
BPM Accuracy  ±1 BPM
LED AC Level Reference Output Range  (RCA)  0.075V ~ 3V (Full range)
LED AC Level Reference Output Resolution (RCA)  (1 / 3000) Full Range
LED AC Level Reference Output Accuracy (RCA)  ±1%
PI (AC level/DC level) Range 0.025% ~ 30% (AC/DC, varies with AC or DC level )
PI (AC level/DC level) Accuracy NA
Light Wavelength Range Red: 660nm; Infrared: 940nm/880nm
Light Wavelength Accuracy Red:±10nm; Infrared: ±10nm
RED light Absolute Irradiance(100%) Intensity 3.55 mW / m^2*nm
RED light Absolute Irradiance(100%) Accuracy ±15%
Infrared light Absolute Irradiance(100%) Intensity 6.65 mW / m^2*nm
Infrared light Absolute Irradiance(100%) Accuracy ±15%
S/N Ratio >51DB (with USB isolator)
PD Rising Response Time  1μs Typical (Varies from DUT LED intensity)
PD Falling Response Time 1μs Typical (Varies from DUT LED intensity)
SpO2 (%) Range  1 ~ 100 (%)
SpO2 (%) Resolution 1 (%)
SpO2 (%) Accuracy ±1+specified accuracy of the DUT (using Masimo Radical-7 Pulse CO-Oximeter or “Covidien” Nellcor Portable SpO2 Patient Monitoring System)
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