SEMCAD X Matterhorn μWave Solution combines advanced 3D EM solvers based on the FDTD technique with a mode-matching (MM) solver for analysis of microwave and millimeter-wave waveguide devices. Many composite waveguide strurctures have already been succesfully analyzed with the MM technique combined with the generalized scattering matrix (GSM), the latest cutting-edge analysis tool in the microwave industry.
Application Areas
Selected Features
  • Efficient and accurate analysis of composite waveguide device design problems
  • Integrated, advanced, and interactive CAD modeling (no preprocessor or live-link needed)
  • Extraction of full GSM as a building block for each waveguide structure
  • Automatic implementation and placement of different waveguide sources and ports
  • Visualization of EM field distribution at a specific waveguide region

  • Product list